
As part of the training activities of the International Mixed Laboratory COSYS-Med, lecture-course cycles were organized in the main Tunisian partner institutions of the LMI.

Courses-Conferences cycle

Dr. Mohamed LAABIR. Determinism of blooms of toxic Dinoflagellates, case of anthropized Mediterranean lagoons (FSB / INAT).
Dr Nejib DALY YAHIA. Integrated monitoring of jellyfish blooms under anthropogenic and climatic effects in the Mediterranean. (FSB).
Dr. Olivier PRINGAULT. Microorganism and Pollution (FSB / INAT).
Dr. Marc PAGANO. Integrated approach to marine ecosystems: challenges, tools, examples and perspectives. (FSB)
Dr. Sami SAYADI. Aerobic and anaerobic bioremediation of organic pollutants: importance of bioreactor configuration. (CBS)
Dr. Nathalie PRADEL (IRD / MIO). Magnetotactic bacteria and their applications. (CBS)
Dr Nejib DALY YAHIA. Integrated management of coastal ecosystems at the service of man for sustainable development. (FSB)

University lessons

Researchers intervened to give master’s level courses on the themes of the LMI

Dr Marc TEDETTI (IRD/MIO): 3 hours of lessons on "Chemical contaminants in the marine environment" in the "Ecotoxicology" teaching unit of the Master 1 Biodiversity and Dynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (in 2014 and 2017)
Dr. Marianne QUEMENEUR (IRD/MIO). Sulfate-reducing bacteria and metals: sources of problems and solutions in the “Ecotoxicology” EU of the Master 1 Biodiversity and Dynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (in 2017 and 2018).
Dr Olivier PRINGAULT: 6 hours of semester courses on "Benthos Ecology and Benthos Sampling Techniques" in M1BSE at the FSB (AU 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017)
Dr Marc Pagano: 6 hours of lessons / year on "oceanology of coastal zones" FSS M1 and M2 in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Training schools

Different Training Schools and educational events have been set up:

Training in Bioinformatics "Analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing: 16S metagenomics" organized from July 11 to 15, 2016 at the Sfax Biotechnology Center. This training was led by Dr. Fabrice Armougoum (Research Engineer in Bioinformatics (MEB, MIO, Marseille). 15 participants
Training "Study and optimization of processes with the concept of experimental plans-Applications on Design Expert" organized from February 14 to 15, 2017 at the Biotechnology Center of Sfax. This training was led by Mr. Mohamed Ali Masmoudi. 15 attendees
“End to End” Spring Modeling School organized in Sidi Drif (La Marsa - Tunisia) from April 19 to 23, 2018. 20 participants
Training in Bioinformatics "Genome assembly and annotation" will be organized in Sfax from July 8 to 15, 2018 at the Sfax Biotechnology Center. This training will be led by Dr. Fabrice Armougoum (Research Engineer in Bioinformatics (MEB, MIO, Marseille).