Mode of governance

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The governance model of the LMI in its phase 2 will take over the one put in place during phase 1, the latter having shown real efficiency. The direction of the LMI will be ensured by a Tunisian director Moncef Boukthir (IPEIT) assisté par deux codirecteurs Malika Bel Hasen (INSTM) et Asma Sakka Hlaili (FSB), and a French director Olivier Pringault (MIO) assisted by Gil Mahé (HSM).  The governance of the LMI will be ensured by the management committee, comprising equally the managers (or their representatives) of the laboratories and partner institutes of the LMI. 

This management committee will be in charge of the governance of the LMI and will meet quarterly to ensure proper management of the administrative, financial and scientific operation of the LMI. A scientific seminar will be organized annually to present the scientific activities carried out within the framework of the LMI and to identify future projects in connection with national and international AOs.

The management committee will be assisted by a scientific council which will bring together the members of the management committee as well as Tunisian and French external personalities chosen equally by the various partners. Representatives of Tunisian authorities (MESRS, IRESA) will also attend this scientific council for supporting the LMI in the creation of the reference center in the marine environment. The Scientific Council will be consulted for i) the operation of the LMI, ii) the integration of new partners, if necessary, iii) the drafting of annual reports, as well as any other subject proposed by the LMI management committee. In order to facilitate interactions with managers and allow their expectations to be best taken into account, a users’ committee will be set up as soon as the LMI is renewed in 2019. 

This committee will bring together the members of the management committee with representatives of the main organisations. in charge of the management of the coastal zone in Tunisia: the Coastal Protection and Development Agency APAL, the National Environmental Protection Agency ANPE, the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture DGPA, the International Center CITET Environmental Technologies. The mission of this committee will be to contribute to the post-ante and ex-ante analysis of management methods, to specify the needs of end users and intermediaries, to propose research orientations in line with the priorities defined by the national strategy in Tunisia, and to co-construct with LMI researchers the innovations that meet the needs.

Schéma de gouvernance du LMI COSYS-Med

LMI COSYS-Med governance scheme