Name | Period | Supervisor | Partner | Subject | Funding | WP |
MESSAOUDI Meriem | 2014 | A. SAKKA HLAILI | FSB | Response of spring protozooplankton communities to resuspension of contaminated sediment in the Lagoon/Bay of Bizerte | WP2 | |
MEJRI Kaouther | 2014 | A. SAKKA HLAILI B. GRAMI | FSB | Trophic role of protozooplankton in the Bay and the Bizerte canal in the natural environment and during resuspension of contaminated sediment | WP2 | |
BOUKHRIS Nahla | 2015 | I SAHRAOUI KHALIFA | FSB | Impact of elutriate and herbicides on the isolated diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata from the Bizerte Lagoon | WP2 | |
OUNI Sirine | 2016 | A SAKKA HLAILI. M. TEDETTI | FSB-MIO | Impact of aerosols on the planktonic spring communities of the Lagoon/Bay of Bizerte | LMI | WP1, WP2 |
CHAKROUNE Zoubeida | 2016 | I SAHRAOUI. A SAKKA | FSB | Response of two harmful diatoms (in monoculture and co-culture) to herbicide contamination: physiological and biochemical approaches | WP2 |
DJEBBI EMNA | 2016 | M.N DALY YAHIA K. TLILI | FSB | Evaluation of the contamination of the aquatic complex Ichkeul-Lagune-Bay of Bizerte by metallic trace elements | WP1 | |
RAOUINE Hana | 2017 | Inès SAHRAOUI | FSB | Response of two species of Pseudo-nitzschia (in monoculture and co-culture) to contamination by Nickel: physiological and biochemical approaches | WP2 | |
BOURAOUI Rahma | 2017 | M. Tedetti, M. Quéméneur, F. Karray | MIO, CBS | Response of bacterial communities to a deposition of atmospheric aerosols in the coastal waters of Sfax | LMI | WP1, WP2 |
KAHLA Omayma | En cours | A.SAKKA HLAILI, F KARRAY | FSB- CBS | Importance of the “benthic diatom-bacteria” co-culture in the biodegradation of PAHs | WP4 |
BOUZID Fatma | En cours | M. N. DALY YAHIA | FSB | Cultivation of the Scyphomedusa Aureliasolida and evaluation of the impact of 3 pollutants on its different stages of development | WP2 | |
HAZEMI Marwa | En cours | M.N. DALY YAHIA K. TLILI | FSB | Combined effects of a rise in temperature and simultaneous exposure to Carbofuran in Mytilus galloprovincialis: Biochemical approaches and assay of biomarkers. | WP2 | |
MESSAOUDI Meriem | 2014 | A. SAKKA HLAILI | FSB | Réponse des communautés printanières du protozooplancton à une remise en suspension de sédiment contaminé dans la Lagune/Baie de Bizerte | WP2 | |
MEJRI Kaouther | 2014 | A. SAKKA HLAILI B. GRAMI | FSB | Rôle trophique du protozooplancton dans la Baie et le canal de Bizerte en milieu naturel et lors d’une remise en suspension de sédiment contaminé | WP2 | |
Yann Cote | 2015 | C. Chevalier | MIO | Wave modeling around breakwaters | Projet MedCot, LMI | WP3 |
Simon Huret | 2015 | C. Chevalier | MIO | Modeling of currents induced by the swell around breakwaters | MIO | WP3 |